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Nana Huchy | Baby Honey Bunny Boy - Navy


Honey Bunny boy is the trouble-making nephew of beekeepers Mr & Mrs Honey. Taking inspiration from his idol Peter Rabbit, he adores causing chaos. He & his sister Honey Bunny Girl are honey thieves and are forever being chased around the Honey Bunny property by swarms of angry bees. Little cousins Baby Honey Bunny Girl and Baby Honey Bunny Boy can’t help but adore their naughty cousins & giggle endlessly at their antics. Poor Honey Bunny boy always seems to have a bee-sting or two on his little brown nose.

Measures 20cm
Suitable for 0+

Remove outfit & Gentle cold machine wash, do not tumble dry.

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Nana Huchy | Baby Honey Bunny Boy - Navy
